Enhancing Customer Access to Your Organization’s Digital Resources

Everyone can contribute to ensuring digital accessibility. The new Section 508 Standards of the Rehabilitation Act, require people to provide accessible content to people with disabilities. This is especially true for government writers. Government websites should be accessible to the general public. Stakeholders, particularly those requiring the most information, cannot access restricted content. Here are some of the reasons why making things more accessible is a good idea and why it may be harmful if the strategies listed below are not used.

Make use of QualityLogic to help you create content for your website. You’ll get access to a team of specialists that can assist you in creating an easy-to-use website that will draw in additional visitors or potential clients and will help you establish your brand faster. Since 1986, they have been performing analogous work for various firms of all sizes, and they have tried and tested techniques to ensure your success. Go to www.qualitylogic.com to get started.

Leveraging the Internet to Avoid Physical Barriers

The capacity to obtain data has grown increasingly vital in today’s digital age. As a result, websites and other digital assets must be usable by people of all skill levels and capabilities.

You have several options for ensuring that visitors to your web page or similar online material may access it. Check that a screen reader can access your site, that images have alternate text, and that the website’s interface can be utilized with simply a keyboard. To enable universal accessibility, you must make your online presence or other digital assets open to the general public.

Increasing Your Client Base While Retaining Others

One in every four Americans has a handicap, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Making your products and services more accessible to your target audience encourages people to utilize them and learn more about your company. It will also make your items and services easier to find for customers, increasing their likelihood of using them.

Everyone’s Accessibility Has Grown

Many of the improvements implemented to accommodate the needs of disabled users make the site more accessible to all users, not just people with impairments. An ordinary item might be the key to unlocking a more accessible digital world.

Links should accurately depict the information to which they lead for screen reader users. Everyone must comprehend the consequences of everyone visiting the same link simultaneously. When a chart is too hard to read, a data table or other language is provided to assist all users in better understanding the data, making it easier to utilize and display accurate data and assisting in data explanation.

Regulations and Guidelines for Accessibility

The ADA has not been revised by the US Department of Justice to add the internet connection criterion. Instead, it sticks to its long-held view that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prevails in this case.

The topic of internet usage, on the other hand, may be utilized to strengthen other rules. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandates government agencies to provide information to people with disabilities in accessible formats. If they are unable to make the information and data stored on these networks accessible to persons with disabilities, they must provide an alternative option. Access to public spaces should be equal for those with and without impairments.

In 2010, the Communications Act of 1934 was updated by the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CCVA), which added new requirements for making modern technologies accessible to people with disabilities. Title II of the Act contains a variety of laws aimed at assuring equitable access to televisions, television services, television content, and internet streaming media for all Americans. Title I of the Act outlines the requirements for providing “advanced” telecom services and devices.

In 2016, the European Union issued Directive (EU) 2016/2102, which established accessibility rules for the whole European Union. This ensured that all EU member states’ law was consistent. A directive issued by the European Union sets a general goal but leaves execution to individual member states.

What Happens If You Disobey the Law?

Consider content providers that refuse to share their work. This can have a number of ramifications, like making their clients’ content less accessible, valuable, and pleasant.

The number of lawsuits brought against firms and organizations that have not complied with Section 508 has increased dramatically in the last decade. Following the 508 examples can assist government entities in avoiding expensive litigation and its implications (such as unfavorable press and public opinion).

To meet Section 508 standards, you must add any omitted information or features. As a result, prices, effort, and waste have all increased. This additional effort consumes time and money, impedes program and project completion, and undermines the company’s image for stakeholders. If you want anything special, you may need to solicit additional bids and make further purchases. This would be more difficult and costly to do.

Assume that their needs are not addressed on a constant basis. As a result, handicapped customers may be compelled to seek help elsewhere, while non-disabled users may decide not to use your services.

Furthermore, if adequate accommodations are not made for impaired personnel, they might be less successful. As a result, it would only be able to keep such a varied range of exceptional individuals. A more diversified staff, according to one study, increases a company’s general profitability, particularly in strategic planning. Furthermore, employing competent employees with disabilities may be challenging if your hiring process requires inaccessible applicant interfaces, paperwork, forms, and so on.

As more firms acknowledge the value of attracting people from diverse backgrounds and supporting a diverse clientele, the need for a consistent consensus-based development plan becomes clear. It is not acceptable to help people with impairments if a company has a history of not purchasing or deploying accessible digital solutions. Assume a government agency has a history of inadvertently buying or selling accessible digital solutions. Businesses will be less inclined to develop accessible items and services on a regular basis in such situations.


Complying with digital accessibility laws is critical to your company’s success. However, it is a huge effort, so prepare properly. If you consider it, then look at it again and then view it again. QualityLogic will evaluate your present processes and systems and offer you a free assessment. They can work with you to develop a plan that works for you and link you with someone who can help you understand how to use OpenADR test tools to your advantage. They may offer tailored solutions for companies ranging from Smart Energy to eCommerce.


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